hidden away...

over mountains and sky blue seas
on great circles will you watch for me
the sweetest feeling
i've got inside
i just can't wait to get lost in your eyes
and all these words
that you meant to say
held in silence
day after day
words of kindness
that our poor hearts crave
please don't keep them 
hidden away

sing it out
so i can finally breathe in
i can take in all you say
holding out for something i believe in
all i really need today
i want to free your heart
i want to see your heart
please don't keep your heart hidden away

you're a wonder
how bright you shine
flickered candle in a short lifetime
secret dreamer that never shows
if no one sees you than nobody knows
and all these words you were meant to say
held in silence day after day
words of kindness that our poor hearts crave
please don't keep them
hidden away

sing it out
so i can finally breathe in
i can take in all you say
reaching out for someone i believe in
all i really need today
i want to feel your love
will you reveal your love
please don't keep your love
hidden away

i want to free your heart
i want to see your heart
please don't keep your heart
hidden away
— josh groban "hidden away"


my sweet darlings. how i love you day in and day out. i am thankful that i hold you in my heart, even if i can't hold you in my arms. the song above makes me think of life and what i think your arrival will be. it will be a freeing of my motherly desires. it will be an expression of amazing love and gratitude and glory and honor and praise to God for the gift of life. "you're a wonder, how bright you shine. flickered candle in a short lifetime" while you're still just a dream, i can look and ponder what life will be when you join me and your daddy. it will be as though God turned on every light in the house, turned on the fire and filled my heart with a warmth and joy that only He could provide through a special gift like you. i know it will be like something i've never been able to fully feel and experience. oh my loves, don't stay hidden away too long. i love you. the tears pouring down my face will one day turn from tears of longing to tears of joy. i look forward to that day.



Heather Dawn said...

Aww reading this made me cry! =,( I'm so feeling you right now! The earning to be a mom can be so unbarring at times. I went to two of my friends baby showers and one of my friends just had a baby. I'm very happy for them but still, it's hard. I pray that the Lord blesses you guy's with a child what ever way that will be! Also, that some day our little ones can meet... and us telling them what a blessing the are to us! I love you girlie <3

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