so soon my love...

hello sweetie,

daddy and i in hawaii... you were there too!
we are in the last weeks of my tummy being your place of residence and soon we get to meet face to face.  i get to hold you and breathe you in! your daddy gets to hold you and give you kisses and snuggles with that fuzzy beard of his. i get to feel you at my breast, to hold you until you sleep, to snuggle and stroke you. oh my lovely boy, i am so excited. it is still surreal to me that you are joining our family. you've already made your mark on my heart, your daddy's heart, your extended family's heart. i know i've said this almost every time i've written, but i just can't express it enough - you are loved by SO many people. so many people have prayed for you and over you, have cried for you and have had rubbed my belly just to get a feel of you before you arrive. you are cherished beyond words and will most likely be smothered with love and affection for years to come. oh my love... just a few weeks until we can finally see each other, instead of you just hearing my voice and me feeling your punches. oh the joy that is filling my heart just thinking about it!

currently, you are laying in a wonky position in my tummy. can you do me a solid and flip into a good position so that we can both have the most natural birth possible. i really want to be able to hold you and bond with you immediately after you come from my body, 10 months is a long time to be patient to meet you and once you're here, it will be incredibly difficult to wait any longer to see, touch, smell, and kiss you. i am going to an acupuncturist tomorrow to see if she can help you find your way to an optimal position for you to come into the world. and then the doctor's are going to try to turn you as well. however, once you turn, i bet you will feel awesome and then we'll be ready to meet! just a little hope that we can get you into a good position. but if for some reason, you REALLY need to stay the way you are, i know that meeting you will be beautiful and your daddy will do whatever he can to hold you and ease your entrance as best he can. he will hold you to his skin, he will sing and hold and comfort you. so no fear at all, no matter what, you are loved and will be cherished and taken care of. i promise.

the countdown is on. i'll see you soon. and until we meet face to face know this - i love you and have always loved you. i will love you all of my years. we have so much to talk about and i pray we never stop talking. i love you, i love you, i love you.



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