perhaps today is the day that i get to meet you face to face...

oh my sweetie...

we went to the doctor on friday to have the procedure done to try and flip you around and guess what!? you had already flipped upside. mommy and daddy are so proud of you and thankful that you were able to get into position. yesterday mommy had her last baby shower (a party where they shower me with gifts for you!) at pastor taylor's house - his lovely wife ms. paula who you will meet and who will give you many many hugs and kisses set it up and it was lovely. you got lots of fun things and everyone is so excited for your arrival. a few hours after the party though, something VERY interesting happened. the bag that you are in inside your mommy's tummy, sprung a leak! which means that in the very near future i will get to meet you! mommy and daddy called our friend and helper bridgette and she told us to breathe and to get rest and drink water. i went ahead and called the midwives to make sure that i do things the way they want me to in order to follow everyone's rules. they had me come in, checked on you and me and they said that you sound lovely! music to my ears. i love hearing that you're doing well, that you sound happy and strong. they checked me and everything sounds good with me too... so we have been given the go ahead to rest, eat, drink lots of fluids, and just wait until my body says it is time to go back to the birth center and work alongside our doula, support team, and midwives to get you here safely and happily. oh what a day!

i may get to see your face today. i may get to hold you. these thoughts get me through the pain that i am feeling as i type this... God has created my body to do this and even moreso, he has created you in His own image. what a beautiful gift life is. i love you, my son. daddy and i are eager to meet you. come soon.




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