hope and dreams.

hello my sweetness,

today was kind of busy. i got up kind of late (i have been so sleepy lately, i needed some extra sleep i guess) and then did a bunch of dishes, put together a steam cleaner, watched some olympics (more on that in a minute), and trimmed back some bushes and trees that were impeding the walkway to our door. then later, daddy and i went to cracker barrel and had awesome food, made a quick visit to uncle bob & aunt donna's house and visited with them and the kids for a little while. it was fun. then we came home and i put a bunch of pictures up on facebook for friends to see. just kind of in one of those moods where i am very nostalgic and thinking of fun times that have passed. i have had some amazing times, let me tell you. there are a bunch of people i can't wait for you to meet one day. the people who are nearest and dearest to my heart are some pretty incredible people. they are all waiting to meet you too! 

so the olympics. let me explain. the olympics is a 2 week event where the worlds best athletes, of all different kinds of sports, get together and compete for a gold medal and to be told that they are the best at whatever sport they do. the olympics are on every two years and alternate between winter and summer olympics. obviously, since its currently august, this years olympics are the summer olympics. during the summer olympics, they have lots of water sports, lots of running, biking, equestrian, gymnastics, and many many many more fun sports. my favorites are the swimming/diving events, gymnastics, and volleyball. i can't wait to show you all sorts of different sports. and let me say, if you ever aspire to become an olympian and have a real desire to become the best at a certain sport... regardless of the fact that neither your dad nor i are very athletic, you have our complete support. we would hold so much pride in our hearts to see you strive for greatness and whether you make it or not, you will and are always, apart of us and we love you. no matter what. you are in our hearts. even now, before you're conceived. i love you and daddy loves you so much. so that is what the olympics are. 

so i rewatched a music video that explains my feelings about trying to have a baby (yes, mommy and daddy are not pregnant and really want to be. but for some reason, God has not decided to bless us with you yet. hopefully one day... although the waiting game is very, very, very difficult at times. trying to conceive is hard and a bit disheartening at times), and it reminded me that i needed to write to you. i think of you every day. you're always on my mind. i just forget to take time and write to you. i apologize for being so bad at it. i really just need to work it into my schedule, so i remember. anyway, i took a recent picture of your daddy and i. one day you'll see it and think... that is what you looked like? whoa! haha. :) sorry that its not great quality, but its us, in the moment. 

we love you, sweet one(s). i'll write again soon. 



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