5 months on the dot.

hello my sweet loves. 

I had hoped it would not take me so long to write again but life decided to get very busy very quickly. Last I said was that you, Buel, were going to be a big brother. Well that is still true and it could become a reality to you any day now. Our family is about to grow by one little girl! Her name will be Amiette River. We know you'll be so great at loving her. It will take some getting used too, but we will always love you the same amount that we have each day of your life. And that means more and more each day! You are our miracle baby who opened our eyes to the beauty of family and parenthood. So get ready, our house is about to get even more full of love. Love for you and your sister. Mommy can scarcely believe that it will be possible for her heart to grow with love anymore than it has right now. But it's an exciting venture!

Buddy Buel, you turn 2 in a matter of 4 days! Oh my goodness. You're such a big boy. You've got a new car seat that is for big kids! You're tall and fit in 2t/3t clothes, yet you're still skinny around the waist. I hope you can keep that trend and not struggle with weight issues like mommy and daddy. You have the most gorgeous curls in your hair that make you look so dapper and handsome. Everyone who sees you, comments on how precious your hair is and agrees I shouldn't cut it just yet. I'm not ready too... Last time we did I had quite a meltdown! Silly me. 

You laugh and play, you say lots of words and we are slowly working on potty training. You go to the potty every night before bed! You sleep through the night and take one nap a day. You love to run and play with your cousins and your friend Brayden every day. You also love your downtime. We watch a few shows but your favorite is Paw Patrol! You call it "ca-trol" and love that they are dogs who drive trucks to help people. On top of that, you love Chewbacca and Star Wars! We dressed you up as Chewie for Halloween and you were the best chewie ever. You also went for your first real night of trick or treating with Carter and Evan. It was so much fun and you did such a great job at saying thank you, trick or treat, and giving your best chewie impression! We were so impressed. Your cousin Evan was very sweet in helping to make sure you got all the candy you could get and that you weren't left out. Those two boys love you so much! You really are lived so much and it's such a blessing to me. To know that while we may lack in being able to provide you with all the things we know you'd love to have and such, you will never ever lack in the department of love. And that is perfect. And soon we get to see you grow into a bigger boy who not only is loved and but shows his love. You're becoming empathetic and learning when you've made someone sad (sometimes). We love who you are and can't wait to see how you grow!

Amiette River... My little girl. We are so excited to meet you. Currently all we know about you is that your base heartrate most of the time is in the high 130s, you have nice chubby cheeks, and apparently hair! You supposedly weigh around 6lbs 8oz and you're growing at a perfect pace. We cannot believe that we get to meet you so soon. Oh sweet love. You have an amazing team that is ready to welcome you earth side and I cannot wait for you to meet them. I envision you Abe brown hair and blue eyes. That you have curls and will have long eye lashes. We will see what happens! Daddy, Buel and I hope that your birth is soon and is uneventful in a good way. We are so in love with you already and are eager to meet you. 

I wonder what mischief you and your brother will get into... Oh boy. It's going to be fabulous! And exhausting for me and daddy. But that's okay with us!

Until next time... We love you so much. I hope to update this again on buel's birthday. 

Love you,


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