It's been a bit since I wrote, but rest assured, I think and talk to you on a daily basis in real life! We are currently 29 weeks + 6 days along in your growing process! That means in about 10ish weeks (give or take a couple weeks), we will finally get to meet face to face. Daddy and I cannot wait! While we wait we have lots to do to get ready for your arrival. This weekend we are painting your room and then we will start putting things in their place! Oh your room is going to be amazing and I can't wait for you to see it. So much love is going into it!! But even more so, I cannot wait to see, touch, and kiss your face. Each day you roll around and kick, punch, and wiggle in my tummy and I soak it up. You're the most amazing gift I've ever been given. I don't know what I did to deserve such love - first God gave me your daddy. A man who is smart, funny, logical, interesting, musical, clever, handsome, loving, and simply amazing. And now, he's given me you... And oh the things I could say about you. But I think I'll wait till I meet you so I can give a better explanation of how amazing you are. But oh boy, I cannot wait to see you're wonderful face.
Lately, I had been getting bummed because several moms-to-be had made mention of dreams they have had about their babies growing inside them. Dreams about what they look like and such. I was bummed because most of my dreams are not sweet and exciting like that. And never about you! Well, aside from the dream that you were born with a full set of adult teeth that looked like big cartoon teeth!
Well, today I woke up happy because I dreamt about you in a nice way! We were in a place where I could see you inside my tummy, and you were so close it was as if I could hold you. Sadly, I couldn't because you were still in my tummy. At first you looked a little strange because the picture was not clear. But then things cleared up there you were - tiny with blonde fuzzy hair and blue eyes. Your daddy and I were looking at you with such love and excitement. I remember telling you "hey little man, you need to bake and get some more meat on those little legs, bubs." I guess you were so little and amazing, I was excited but wanted you to keep growing!
Oh my boy, we are so excited to meet you and see you. But please keep growing and getting bigger. You have time and I'll do my best to be patient and wait for the perfect time for your arrival. We love you, Buel. You are our son and we are already amazed by you. See you soon.