buel burton newman v...

hello sweetie,

today i got to meet you... well sort of. it was all via technology, the wonders of computers, and smart people! but today i saw your face, your little body, your hands, your feet... and you are beautifully and wonderfully made. God saw fit to bless me with a beautiful little one in my tummy and i am so blessed by your presence. i know, i know... "mom, you say that all the time." i can't help it. you are beautiful. you are also... my little boy! you are our son and we cannot wait to see your face. i already feel like you probably have daddy's nose! oh my love, you are nothing short of a miracle given by God. Praise Adonai!

you are about 20 weeks, but you could actually be slightly further along - originally they said you're estimated due date was december 8, and while they will continue to go by that, today you are measuring at an estimated due date of december 2. your heart rate was 143. you weigh 14 ounces (which according to the tech is right on track for your age group). your bladder, kidneys, umbilical cord, feet, fingers, and face - all precious. they did so many other scans and measurements... lets see, what else. oh! i am pretty sure you KNEW there was some weird thing moving you around and looking at you today. you sure made the ultrasound tech work hard! my little man, you were wiggling, dancing, flipping over, and doing everything you could to dodge the ultrasound waves. i know, i know... they are probably annoying and you were probably trying to just chill. hehe. but i sure wanted to just stare at you and watch you move and groove. perhaps if mommy and daddy can afford to get the 3D/4D ultrasound done, maybe you will stay still for a little while so i can just get to look at you. its hard having to wait so long to hold you... so i cherish these pictures and the moments of seeing you move around. we love you so much, buel. keep growing, little one. keep swimming. keep up the great work.

okay - you're wiggling right now in mommy's tummy and she is ready to sleep. so here i go. i love you. it was so good to see you today. i cannot wait to see you again!


moving and grooving...

hello sweetie,
you are the size of a banana this week!
(starting tomorrow... i'm a day early when
posting this...)
so you're still in your mommy's tummy at this point. we're about at the halfway mark... which means we're halfway to the point of getting to meet each other face to face! i am so excited i can hardly stand it. the past 3 days you have been extra active in my tummy! i don't know if you're just bigger now and i can feel you more or you're realizing you have some pretty sweet dance moves and you're just going to go with it! either way, i am loving feeling your butterfly feet running across my tummy. at one point, you must have started doing the can-can because i literally got startled when i felt you. normally i feel you and i smile, this one caught me off guard and i could not help but grin from ear to ear! i love that you're moving all around in there. i love you so much. keep moving, grooving, and growing!

on monday, (that is 2 days from the time that i wrote this blog), i will be finding out if you are buel burton newman v, or if you will be daddy's little girl, amiette river newman.  either way, we love you and are so excited that you are apart of our family. i am very nervous to see your face. i have not seen your face once this entire time. i saw your heartbeat on the screen when you were but the size of a pea... but oh that heartbeat rendered me to tears. so i can only imagine what i will be feeling when i see your face on monday... please be okay. please be strong and healthy and perfect. i am praying that you are well and that everything is going well. i am praying that you will grow to be an amazing person when you grow up, because you're already an amazing person now! i mean, you have sweet dance moves! at the appointment on monday, they will measure you, check your heart, show me your feet, hands, legs, back, booty, and face. i have to say, i am super excited to see your face, but i'm also super excited to see your little feet and your pearl spine. you see, on the ultrasound picture, your spine will show as a string of pearls. that spine is basically a huge life source. so it is extra special to me. (big sigh) i cannot wait to see you on monday.

for now i must go. daddy is not well today (he has a tummy bug), so i am going to go to the church picnic by myself and hang out with your auntie neva. i love you so much and please, please, keep growing, moving, and grooving. i love to feel you in my tummy... it is the delight of my day!


your heart...

hello sweetie,

today we got a better doppler so that we can listen to your heartbeat whenever we want to bond with you a little more. this is your heartbeat...

i really wonder what you were doing... were you dancing? stretching? yawning? jumping? or just getting comfortable? :) oh little one, i can't wait to hold you! <3 and="" daddy="" day="" every="" i="" love="" much="" of="" p="" so="" think="" very="" we="" you="">